Feeling better…

As the title of this post suggests, I have been feeling a little better lately. Last week I had my first appointment with a psychologist who I hadn’t seen before. He was actually really nice.

The session went for an hour and actually, majority of it was spent with him talking. At the start I outlined my issues, and I tell you, it was so difficult to keep the tears at bay. I didn’t want to cry in front of him because I didn’t want to embarrass myself (I ugly cry all the time), plus, I didn’t want him thinking I’m worse off than I actually am and try to put me on really strong medications or something.

Even though he spent a lot of time talking, it was mostly analysing what I had said. I didn’t mention any previous problems I have had (my anxiety), but within about half an hour he told me he suspected I had an anxiety disorder before all this happened. I told him at that point that yes, I did, and he just smiled because he obviously knew he got it right.

He told me that he wanted me to get down to the one emotion that is ‘overwhelming’ me and tell him what it is. Before he did that, he wrote on a piece of paper and folded it. I thought about it, and I told him guilt is the big emotion that’s really hurting me.

I feel guilty for feeling this way, I feel guilty for sometimes not wanting her (even if it’s just not wanting to be around her- let me just be clear here that I have never thought about giving her up, sometimes I just want to be away from her), I feel guilty for failing as a mum, I feel guilty for (maybe) doing all this before I was truely ready to be a mum, I feel guilty that Scarlett won’t have a dad, I feel guilty that I’ve lumped my parents with extra responsibilities, I feel guilty that I don’t know what to do with her when she’s awake, I feel guilty for feeling scared, I feel guilty for feeling like I can’t do it. I could continue but then it would be a post of me babbling about my guilt. But ultimately, I do feel that the crux of my problems relate to guilt over my other feelings.

He opened the paper and the word he had written down was guilt.

He explained a lot of things to me that actually made me feel better. He told me that post pardum depression is very common and not something I should be worried about- especially since it does go away 90% of the time. He told me that depression in itself makes you feel guilty and that 90% of his patients with depression feel guilty about everything, beat themselves up, then it makes it worse. He told me that PPD is more common if you’ve have anxiety or depression before. He said that it is more common in mothers who had a traumatic birth which resulted in a longer recovery period. He said it’s more common in mothers who had been separated from their children within 2 hours of birth (I was taken to theatre an hour after I had Scarlett). He told me it’s more common in younger mothers like myself. He also said it’s more common in mothers who had spent a long time TTC or had to use ‘other’ methods of becoming pregnant, like IVF. 

All these things made me realise that with all these factors, I had a really high chance of developing PPD. I also realised that I shouldn’t be ashamed of my feelings- simply because I can’t help the way I feel. 

Since then, I feel like things have gotten better. I told him that I had anxiety about leaving the house with Scarlett without my mum, and he thinks that I’m relying on my mum too much because of my PPD. I still haven’t gone out, but I’ve made plans to visit my best friends house with Scarlett in two days. It’s only ten minutes by car and she is happy for me to leave whenever I am comfortable. I think when I see her, I’m going to tell her about my PPD. I think I need everyone in my corner to fully kick this.

I have my days. Sometimes I feel really overwhelmed, and other days I feel really optimistic. I’m beginning to believe I have post pardum bipolar (if that’s a thing?), because my mood can go up and down like crazy. 

I think I’m bonding with Scarlett a little more now. I still don’t think I care about her as much as I should. Being completely honest with you, when the Psycholgist told me he thinks I rely on my mum too much, he said to me ‘if I asked you to pick between your mum and Scarlett, who would you pick?’. It wasn’t that he asked me ‘if one of them was dying and you could save one, who would you pick?’, but that’s how I sort of interpreted it. And you know what? In my head, I said ‘my mum’. I didn’t answer him. I just averted my eyes and he wrote something down, then he said ‘we are going to fix this Chantelle. Don’t worry’. Which is how I know I still have a problem.

But things are getting better. I have another session with him next week, hopefully I’ll be feeling even better by then. He didn’t put me on any meds for the same reason the doctor said- it could make me worse. So for now we are trying diet, exercise, and positive thoughts to help me out.

Talk soon! X

(P.S some photos of Scarlett to update you all 😊)


14 thoughts on “Feeling better…

  1. Aw she’s gorgeous! Am glad that your first appointment went well hun. Best part about sorting this now – No matter how you feel; Scarlett won’t remember – so you get to feel every feeling freely; and take your time as you please to come to turns with everything. In your own time – things will come right 🙂 My sister struggled to bond with her bubba at first for similar reasons. Small things like reading to her (even if she was in her crib or bouncer) – just reading a baby book aloud to bubs seemed to help, as did putting a few baby photos up on the wall too. Just small things – not too big, but enough for her to just bond in her own time. Many hugs hun xxx

    Liked by 1 person

      1. No problems <3. Just a little thing my sis did that helped. But everyone is different 🙂 – in your own time, and dont feel bad if it doesnt help either! 😀 xx


  2. Glad to hear you are doing better Chantelle, I’ve been worried about you. Your psychologist sounds really good, I’m glad he was able to work through some things with you. Are you going to go and see him again ? Scarlett is ridiculously beautiful. She is so much like her mama too. I know you’re feeling not yourself right now, but you look like a total natural (fake it til you make it right?) thank you for the update. Xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Chloe, I am actually so grateful for all the support I have on here. Yes I’m seeing the Psycholgist again. He recommends seeing him every two weeks so I have another appointment next week with him. He also gave me ‘homework’ to do which involved meditating, writing down my worries, and writing down some personal ‘life values’. It may seem like a small step, but even just doing those things helped. Meditation is easy for me since I used to do it so often, and I really shouldn’t have stopped!

      And thank you 🙂 my mum insists on taking photos because my biological mum never took any photos of me when I was younger. I only have one newborn photo of myself (of my face anyway) and any other photo until I was 3 was taken by either my nan or my non-biological mum. She thinks Scarlett will appreciate the photos when she’s older and I tend to agree.
      Thinking of you 🙂 xxx


      1. Your Mum is awesome, I agree about the photo thing. And videos! I love looking at videos of myself when I was younger. It’s amazing how many traits you see in yourself as a tiny baby and toddler to how you are now. I always do a sad lip as a joke, and just last week saw a video of myself doing this as a 3 or 4 year old. I guess some things never change. It was good for a laugh though. Those moments are just so precious. Soak them up. 🙂 xx

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  3. Oh sweetie, you’re on the right track. I’m no psychologist but I’m thinking the mom vs Scarlett thing might have been slightly different if you had children later in life – you’ll gain more and more confidence every day, and you’ll surprise yourself at just how important you are to Scarlett. I’m glad you’re starting to feel better. Are you seeing your psych again? I’m a cryer no matter how well I feel like I hold things together when I see my therapist – it almost feels like a more successful session when she’s strikes a nerve with me and I cry about something I never thought would cause tears. I know for me, if I’m able to let myself trust that the therapist has my best interests in mind, then letting go is much easier and getting to the root of the issues is also much easier. Good luck sweetie! You’re well on your way! Xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for the support lovely 🙂 my mum said exactly the same thing about the Scarlett vs her thing. She said because I’m young, of course I’m going to rely on her. Plus, I’ve sort of found sanctuary in having her around while Scarlett is around, so the thought of losing her and not having her around makes me feel so much worse. Once I start feeling more myself and I do gain confidence, I’m sure that I’ll feel different.
      I am seeing the psych again, I have an appointment for next week. He recommends seeing him every two weeks at the start so I’m just going to trust him 🙂
      And what you said about crying is actually a good point. Sometimes you just can’t stop yourself from crying though, and if that happened I wouldn’t mind him seeing because it would be something that needed to be fixed.
      Thanks again lovely! Xx


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